
What sets us apart:

Fields Disability has a proven track record of winning. When you are disabled and unable to work, the law firm you hire can make all the difference in whether you will win your case. See what our clients say about us

Insurance companies are not named in our lawsuit results due to confidentiality agreements. Please contact us for more information regarding our litigation experience with specific disability insurance companies

Here are just a few of our lawsuit wins for our clients around the United States.

Insurance Recovery Specialist - Pittsboro, NC

Osteoarthritis, CRPS

“An insurance recovery specialist from North Carolina was diagnosed with osteoarthritis and possible Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. She attempted to continue work, but constant sitting and typing exacerbated her symptoms and she was forced to stop working. Her insurer through work refused to even pay short term disability benefits because they said she could return to work.

Shocked by the insurance company’s decision, she called Fields Disability for help. Our team contacted our client’s doctors and obtained updated medical records to ensure we had all the available evidence on our side. Fields attorneys scoured the records and discovered the insurance company discounted important records from our client’s doctors. We drafted a strong appeal, attaching the records to point out the insurance company’s error, and including the legal arguments supporting our position. The insurance company overturned their previous decision and our client received a lump-sum check for back-pay and is now receiving ongoing monthly benefits. She was pleased with the hard-work by the Fields Disability team and is happy to be done fighting her insurance company.”

Office Manager - Niantic, CT

Rectal Cancer, Neuropathy, Incontinence, Chronic Pain

“Our client went out of work and started receiving long-term disability benefits due to rectal cancer. Two years after receiving benefits, her insurance provider cut off her benefits, concluding she could work in a sedentary position. Throughout her cancer treatment, however, she developed other disabling side effects, including anemia, chemo induced peripheral neuropathy, anxiety and depression, chronic diarrhea, bowel obstruction, pain in both hips, and chronic pain. Her neuropathy causes so much pain in her fingers that it hurts to touch a keyboard. Just prior to the termination of long-term benefits, the Social Security Administration evaluated our client in person, and determined that she had less than sedentary functional capacity. Our client could not understand how the SSA could come to one conclusion, but her long-term disability insurer came to the opposite. She decided to reach out to the Fields Disability Team for answers.

Our Team assured our client that we would do everything we could to put together a solid record with evidence pointing to disability and appeal the insurers decision. The Fields attorneys wrote an appeal that documented all evidence that proved our client could not work in any occupation, and gathered support from our client’s doctors to bolster the argument. Our client’s long-term disability provider had no choice but to reinstate benefits following the appeal from our attorneys. Our client was so glad she decided to trust the Fields Disability Team to get her the quick, reliable results she needed to fight off her insurance company and get her well-deserved disability benefits.”

Computer Support Specialist - St. Louis, MO

Crohn’s Disease

“A woman from Saint Louis, Missouri had been suffering from severe disabling abdominal pain and joint pain secondary to her chronic Crohn’s conditions. Because of the chronic pain these conditions caused, she was forced to leave work on doctor’s recommendations. She applied for long term disability benefits, which were denied at application. The insurance company had obtained a questionnaire completed by the client’s shoulder surgeon unfamiliar with the client’s Crohn’s conditions who stated that the client had fully recovered from her shoulder surgery and was therefore capable of returning to her sedentary computer support specialist job.

The Fields attorneys requested the insurer’s claim file and thoroughly reviewed the internal notes for flaws in their analysis, requested letters of support from the client’s doctors and put together a well-honed appeal of the insurer’s denial decision. Further, Fields attorneys coordinated with our client’s providers and obtained updated medical records. When the appeal was submitted, the updated records obtained more than doubled the insurer’s original claim file. With the updated medical records submitted in support of the client’s appeal, the insurance company was forced to eventually approve the Fields Disability appeal and continue to pay our client’s disability benefits.”

Bank Operations Specialist - Buffalo, NY

Back Pain, Spinal Cord Impingement

“A bank operations specialist from New York was in a serious car accident. She was rear-ended by a vehicle that did not slow down and her car was violently sandwiched between the car that hit her and the car in front of her. After the accident, she was unable to stay in her chair at work due to severe discomfort and soreness. An MRI revealed that she had damage to her vertebrae and spinal cord at three different levels. Her doctor recommended leaving work. She applied for long-term disability benefits but the insurance company denied her claim, stating that she did not suffer any acute injury.

Shocked by the insurance company’s brazen decision, she called Fields Disability for help. Our team gathered all our client’s medical records and Fields attorneys drafted a strong appeal to the insurance company. The appeal highlighted important records that the insurance company missed, including one doctor who said our client was 75% disabled and recommended she stop work immediately. Based on these records, Fields Attorneys drafted a strong legal argument on appeal that our client’s injury was acute and disabling. The insurer changed its mind and granted benefits and our client received a lump-sum payment for backpay and ongoing monthly income. Our client was pleased with the communication Fields Disability provided throughout the process, and is happy to have her income restored.”

Construction Manager - Hillsborough, NJ

Neck, Back and Abdominal Pain

“A construction manager who worked all over the globe on major construction projects began to suffer from chronic and debilitating pain in his neck, back, and abdomen. He was not able to continue to work due to the combination of all his pain. His short-term disability insurer initially accepted his claim but later cut him off on the basis that he had been released to work.

Unable to work and in need of a source of income, he connected with Fields Disability. The Fields attorneys reviewed the claim file from the insurer and set a plan to get benefits reinstated. They compiled all of the necessary medical records and reports from his treating doctors. Fields attorneys then drafted a strong appeal that argued why benefits should have never been cut off. On review, the insurance company reinstated our client’s claim for benefits.”